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Wednesday, March 6, 2024


 I was praying this morning for patience. And God knows we all need that! Monday through Friday my wife and I travel 132 miles daily. We witness aggressive drivers taking over the roads and the funny part is that the ones who pass us up end up beside us or we pass them up due to traffic.

We are all taught to be aggressive in life, which can be good for many. I have always said that if you want to move up in your occupation, you must learn every part of the skills in your profession, from the cleaning department to the management. I believe every job in life is a simple step and you must take it as such. (a step towards leadership). But focus is a common failure. And the enemy of focus is impatience.

The funny thing is that I was praying on this and the Lord led me to scripture of when the Israelites were led by Moses to the promised land but impatience caused them to make irrational decisions.

Remember when the Israelites were impatient with Moses? The kicker is that although God chose the Israelites to be a blessing to other nations, they had much to work on as individuals. One of those things was patience. In one particular story, their impatience caused them to do something so bad in the sight of God that it made God want to destroy them. Let’s take a look at the story of the “Golden Calf”.

Most of you may already be familiar with this story. It’s found in Exodus 32. Moses was the leader of the Israelites at the time. And I want to make one thing clear. We can pray for others, seeking direction, healing, a prophetic word for them, but they must be ready to receive from the Lord.

Moses was on mount Sinai speaking with God. In the eyes of the Israelites, Moses was taking too long to come down from the mountain and so they told Moses’ assistant Aaron:

Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.” - Exodus 32:1

Sensing their impatience and of course being outnumbered, Aaron gave in to their request and used their gold earrings to make them an idol in the form of a golden calf.

That made God angry and He was prepared to destroy them. Thankfully for them, Moses convinced God to relent from his anger, but in the end, they were still punished. About 3,000 of them died because of actions stemming from impatience (Genesis 32:28).

The lesson that stands out in the story of the golden calf is that our impatience could cause us to lower our standard and make rational decisions. In the case of the Israelites, Moses’ delay led them to find an idol to worship instead.

We may find ourselves doing similar things because we are impatient. We may go back to our old way of living when we don’t experience the benefits of being a citizen of God’s kingdom soon enough.

Once I was working at a local church and I started to feel like I was taken advantage of. That caused me to consider a former business opportunity that I was very familiar with. The former business was filled with wonderful people and recognition, but because I was impatient, I dropped the ball and fell out of line with where God wanted me to do. Then I was encouraged by people to begin my own ministry which I did, but still I was still out of Gods order. And boy did I pay the price. But thankfully I came to my senses, asked the Lord for forgiveness and then God spoke to me about being still.

So, beware of letting impatience cause you to settle for less. Philippians 4:6-7; “Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. 7 And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].”



 Foundations has been challenging for my wife and I in sharing it with you all. I know that some of you have been waiting for the answers to how to set a good foundation, which I’ve emphasized that it must be a Godly foundation.

But let me share some questions to stir up your thinking real quick;

 What does God’s word say about:

- How we should discipline our children?

- How we should manage our finances?

- How we should resolve a conflict?

- How we should communicate with one another?

- Where we should go to church?

- What values should we instill in our children?

These questions are so important in your life that I encourage you to seek the answers in God’s Word. I remember when some of my friends would say to study it. My response was study what? Have you heard that children will never appreciate their toys because they don’t pay for them. Well, the same goes with the scriptures. You won’t appreciate it until you seek it yourself!

I have learned to appreciate Gods word by watching His promises manifest in my life. Am I saying that everything is perfect now? No! But as they say; inch by inch is a cinch. As a Christian, I guarantee you that you will be at war and receive some bumps and bruises along the way.

Agreement is one thing that I can say that has truly helped my wife and I in our marriage. It can save you some grief, time, hurt, making life a little easier. Even in the failures we have come to an agreement, we evaluate the situation, reset and keep trucking.

Amos 3:3 says it like this: “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” If we can’t agree together, we can’t have a successful family.

You see when children see us lower our standards, they follow the example that is before them. Standards like morals, ethics, and habits, are established by the authority of the home. It becomes custom in a household when there is agreement.

Having a standard that is already set by God makes it possible for us to unite and move forward in the same direction; it allows us to find a place of agreement that supersedes our personal preferences and opinions. Speaking on opinions let share another important standard in our home.

My wife and I believe in creating a “Safe Harbor” of our home. We understand that some will disagree. We also know that due to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which was the final sacrifice we know longer need the altars made of wood or stone. But the significance in God’s presence is what interested us.

A very simple, practical way that every family can begin to build their house on the Rock of Christ is to build a “Safe Harbor.” A safe harbor is considered safe for a ship, as in wartime or during a storm at sea. Also a place or situation that offers refuge or protection.

I use the example all the time where we are born into a canoe going through a river and occasionally, we hit some rough rapids in life. But we mature into a boat where we marry and gain responsibility but can still be rocky. Then eventually becomes like a ship that is hard to sink but still has vulnerabilities. But in all these examples we oversee steering whether it is a paddle or rudder. Our homes must become Safe Harbors for those who we love.

In our home my wife understood the spiritual importance of altars back in the day. Of course, we don’t need altars due to the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. But its significance reminded us of when the Lord would have our patriarchs build altars. Focusing on the spiritual not the physical sense. You see, all the Biblical Patriarchs built altars to worship God. It is where we saw the family altar, of a place where we meet with God on a regular basis. It’s a place where we meet regularly to pray together and share a Scripture together. It may be the living room, or the dining room. It’s a place where we worship God together.

Understand that worship doesn’t have to be for a long time, it can be for just 5 or 10 minutes. It is not about the time more than it is about the intimacy with Him. You can one Scripture verse to simply thank God for His provision and blessing over our family.

And unlike the altars that Noah, Abraham, Moses and David built, it doesn’t have to be made of stone. It can be the family sofa where you gather to share Gods word. It can be chairs around the family patio over a barbeque on Sunday. It can even be sitting on the floor!

But wherever it is, the family altar is where the family vows to meet God on a regular basis and build their safe harbor (home) on His wisdom and His ways.

I challenge you to fill your home with His love and presence by way of worship music. We personally have a playlist for our Alexa and set a group named Living Area, so that it can play music on all Alexas in our home.

Believe me, there will be some resistance from time to time. But in time radical transformation of your home will happen when you put God’s word and wisdom at the center of family life. The challenge is for the next thirty days, begin a family altar in your home. Gather around with your family members and spend five minutes building on the foundation of Christ:

5 minutes praying for one another.

5 minutes reading a portion of Scripture together.

5 minutes worshipping God together.

For some of you, that can be every day; for others of you, it may be on weekends only. I’m not going to tell you how to do it, but just do it. Five minutes on a regular basis over the next thirty days – I guarantee you will begin to heal family strife and marital conflict. Just watch how fast you grow closer together, even as you grow closer to Him.

Remember that we live in a dark world with paths that will try to mislead us, but Psalms 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” God’s word provides illumination to walk without stumbling…


Wednesday, February 28, 2024



In our last blog post, I shared Part One of the “Foundations Series” on our blog ending with the importance of the family unit. I also shared some statistics that were crucial to the empowerment of the family.

I have been ridiculed for being transparent, which I don’t understand. But, for the purpose of this blog. I would admit as a man that didn’t have a plan for his future, the foundations that were set early in my life were of no effect. It is one thing to set a foundation and it’s another to use it to fulfill lifelong dreams and goals.

Characteristically, traits can form a foundation but without God it will be weak. Let me share a couple.

Work Ethic - My father was a hardworking man. He clocked in at 3am and clocked out at 3pm, setting an example of a good work ethic. The second thing was that my dad was always happy, outgoing, loved to talk, and very forgiving, which was a great set of attributes. He was also an alcoholic who drank every day, which was a vise that many men in his generation dealt with. He spoiled me as well. Which affected me in my life.  I remember my mom would ground me and as soon as my dad arrived from work, he asked what I was doing inside. My Mom was quick in telling him what I did wrong and then he would tell me to get outside with my buddies. No bueno!

Discipline - My mother’s middle name was “Discipline”. She would discipline the old fashion way, and most of you know what I mean. But I had already become immune to the correction that she was trying to teach me. This lady didn’t hold back. I remember when I told her that I was tired of being disciplined and she said if you are in my house, I set the rules and if you don’t like it, there’s the door. I walked out and got as far as my neighbor’s driveway and turned around. Quick decision huh?

You see, the foundation was set long before I became a troubled teen. In my previous blog I mentioned that the greatest predictor of life success was one's capacity for warm, intimate relationships, with spouse, family, parents, and friends. To be honest I was starving for an intimate relationship with my family, parents and friends. Remember the song; “Looking for love in all the wrong places”? Well unfortunately most teens take a wrong turn when the attributes are lacking, especially Godly attributes. Lack of intimacy will cause misinterpretations due to a lack of communication; anger sets in which makes the devil happy. To be honest lack of intimacy will create an emotional separation.

If marriages lack intimacy it may lead to divorce. On November of 1980 my first daughter was born, and I was 16 years old. We married when I turned 18 but divorced 12 years later. Saying that to show that if godly foundations are not set, how can we expect success. My dad divorced and then married my mom. What kind of foundation was set?

Please understand that I am not playing the blame game. We are responsible for our decisions in life. I am very determined that in teaching others, I need to share personal experiences when possible.

But understand that the family unit is Important and worth the effort to Fix unless it becomes abusive and life threatening. Malachi 2:16 reads; “I the Lord hate divorce”. We must notice that Malachi didn’t say God hates divorced people. You see, In Christ, there is always a fresh start available to us when life knocks us down. But clearly, the better our relationships are at home, the more effective we are in life. If we strengthen our families, we will enhance our opportunities to succeed.

God always gives us the opportunity to rebuild the family foundation by His Word. Come on somebody!

Matthew 7:24-27 reads; “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash”.

All families will go through storms. It doesn’t matter if you make all the right decisions or all the wrong decisions in life – you will face storms. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, educated, uneducated, black, white, or brown, you will face storms. It doesn’t even matter if you are righteous or unrighteous – you will face storms! Storms, according to Jesus, come to every home, the foolish homes and the wise homes as well.

A “nuclear family” meaning two parents and their siblings, is crucial in our children’s upbringing. The percentage of teens raised by a mom and dad sees a major increase when foundations are set. We also have seen the effects of homes with only one parent.

Storms come in many forms: financial storms, physical storms, emotional storms, job loss storms, teenage rebellion storms, marital strife storms, loss of loved one’s storms. But only some homes will make it through the storms of life. One will collapse while another stands. And here’s the key – it was the house that had the right foundation.

Matthew 7:25 reads; “Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock”.

I heard a story about a ship that capsized at sea. Many people drowned, but one teenager was found clinging to a rock. After he was rescued, someone asked him if he was terrified. He responded by saying, “Yes, I was shaking all the time … but the rock wasn’t.”

When storms hit your family, the question is what kind of foundation have you been building on? Build your family life not on the wisdom of this world, but on the wisdom of Almighty God.

Genesis 2:18, 21-24 reads; “And the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.’ And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.’ Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”.

So very simply, the reason why the Bible, God’s wisdom, should be the foundation for how we build our families is that He is the one who created “family.” He knows how to make it work best, and then we will come into agreement.

Family life is often challenging because everyone has an opinion. One says, “I think we ought to spend our money on this.” The other says, “Well I think we ought to spend it on that!” “I think we ought to discipline the kids this way.” “Well, I think we ought to discipline them that way!”

I think, you think, we all think our own opinions.

And if you happen to get a couple of people in the same room who have really strong opinions and who generally stick to their guns, you’ll have family chaos, leading to family frustration, which leads to families falling apart.

But when we agree as a family to build our homes based on the wisdom of the One who invented the family, then it becomes easy to agree. When God’s wisdom is the foundation to the family, the question is not what you say or what I say – it’s what God says.

Let me end by sharing that I probably made every mistake possible in marriage and even as a father. My friends, in an eggshell, no one can succeed without a godly foundation from His Word.

The unsettling world we see today didn’t just begin yesterday or 5 or 10 years ago. It is the result a bad foundation.  set by building on the foundations of this world.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024



Reaching 60 years old, I began to look back on what has changed positively as well as negatively. I have always believed that looking back has always been where we see knowledge become wisdom. We can always do the same thing and never get anywhere.

Our foundational upbringing is where we gain our physical, financial, and spiritual foundations. And let me break it down a little. I was personally raised on Tortillas and Sopas which are not good for our body. Born in government housing, my parents bought their first home in 1970.

I was reminded of a history study about the city of Jerusalem. I learned that the city had been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. From a religious perspective, the Bible, which mentions Jerusalem more than any other place (about 800 times), states, “the Lord has chosen Jerusalem and will dwell there forever” (Psalm 132:13-14) and expressly calls upon God's people to never forget Jerusalem and to “exalt it above their chief joy” (Psalm 137:5-6). And Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

I believe a foundation was set by being the city where Jesus was crucified, Died, Buried and Resurrected. But as the city has been fought for, destroyed, and rebuilt, it gives me an example of a foundation being built even if it was rebuilt over the rubble of war. Foundations can be restructured in life when we understand the true foundation is the Lord!

Foundations are essential in homes that we live in whether it is concrete or even a foundation built on plain dirt. I worked in construction early in life and the one thing that stood out was that we had to shift dirt from one site to another using heavy machinery. But every layer of dirt had to be compacted and tested for density. The data is used for support of building foundations, roads, or any other earth retaining structures.

In my studies I recognized the word “Earth” is repeated. But we all know the main scripture in Genesis 1:1 says that “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. Our Father began teaching us since the inception of the earth that nothing can be built without a foundation. Glory to God!

Several articles I’ve read speak on the foundations of the family. But the truth is that we are witnessing a downward spiral in our country and have been for years. Maybe, you remember someone speaking to you and giving guidance. I remember my Mom warning me that whatever I did in life, whether good or bad would come with a price. Of course, financially, spiritually or physically!

We all know that the family unit continues to be under attack. According to an article, it is likely that 39% of marriages today will end in divorce, and that divorce can be financially devastating. Statistics indicate that more than 30% of child support payments are never paid and less than 50% are paid in full. Divorce is especially hard on women aged 50+, who generally suffer a 45% decrease in their standard of living. The family is where the foundations are built.

I found this interesting; In an effort to understand what creates a successful and fulfilling life, Harvard Medical School began to track 268 male students in 1938, and followed them through their lives. The results gathered over the decades have been astounding and have added much to the understanding of what promotes real success, or “flourishing,” in life. The researchers determined that regardless of one's socioeconomic status, the greatest predictor of life success was one's capacity for warm, intimate relationships, with spouse, family, parents, and friends. I hope you can see why the family is being attacked.

The enemy is dancing in joy due to the deterioration of the family and the wickedness we are witnessing in these distressing times. No one is exempt. Understand that even Christian families today find themselves divided and facing extraordinary challenges.

Thankfully, God has created the family to give us strength and a firm foundation for our society, and to be a safe haven against the storms of life. Of course, no family is perfect – all families have a few “rough edges!” But if your family or any other family you may know, is in need of a total makeover?

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  I was praying this morning for patience. And God knows we all need that! Monday through Friday my wife and I travel 132 miles daily. We wi...